Friday, June 29, 2007

Bomb Scare

I am sure many of you have heard about the two cars with bombs in them found early yesterday morning here in Central London. The city is operating "business as usual" except for a few delays on the Underground. We were at a pub last night and it didn't seem to be on any one's mind. There seems to more focus on the rain which is nonstop - it's basically like Seattle in November.

The scary part is that Greg tried to talk me into going to some dodgy bar call Sport Cafe that night to see the NBA draft which was right next to where they found the bombs. Fortunately, I had other Thursday night plans in mind....

Yes, roller disco with my co-workers. I haven't been roller skating since I was 12 or so and it was the coolest thing ever back then for about 60 days after which it because the least cool thing ever. Anyway, this place was highly entertaining with "club kids", "rock'n grannies" and this guy.
The first person to come visit us in London gets an all expense paid trip to Roller Disco!

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